USD/International Wire Transfer To make a donation via bank wire transfer, please use the information below: Account Name: BUDDHA JEWEL MONASTERYAccount Number: 476901009854Routing Number: 125000574SWIFT Code: KeyBus33 (for international wire transfers)Bank Name: Key Bank (Richmond Highlands) Bank Address: 17500 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133, USA THANK YOU 美國國內/國際匯款 如欲使用銀行電匯捐款,請使用以下資訊: 帳戶名稱 Account Name:BUDDHA JEWEL MONASTERY帳戶號碼 Account Number:476901009854路徑號碼 Routing Number:125000574國際代碼 Swift Code:KeyBus33銀行名稱:Key Bank (Richmond Highlands 分行) 銀行地址:17500 Aurora Ave N, Shoreline, WA 98133, USA 功德無量